Product variants
B. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - LEFT LOWER LEG
- $17.00
C. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - RIGHT LOWER LEG
- $17.00
D. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - HORSE PELVIS
- $32.00
E. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - LOWER SPINE
- $15.00
F. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - HORSE RIB CAGE (Not available) - Sold out
- $45.00
G. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - RIDER PANTS
- $13.00
H. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - RIDER BODY WITH CONTROL BOX
- $31.00
I. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - RIDER JACKET
- $18.00
J. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - LEFT ARM
- $15.00
K. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - RIGHT ARM
- $15.00
L. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - LEFT HAND
- $15.00
M. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - RIGHT HAND WITH RIDER HEAD
- $35.00
N. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - NECK
- $14.00
O. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - HEAD
- $27.00
P. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - REINS
- $14.00
Q. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - LEFT LEG WITH FOAM
- $13.00
R. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - RIGHT LEG FRAME
- $13.00
S. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan -BOOTS
- $14.00
T. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - RIGHT LEG
- $15.00
U. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - BELT
- $13.00
V. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - AXE
- $15.00
W. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - STIRRUP
- $13.00
X. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - HORSE LEFT FORELEG
- $17.00
Y. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - HORSE RIGHT FORELEG
- $17.00
Z. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - TAIL
- $14.00
Z1. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - BASE EXTENDERS (x4)
- $21.00
Z2. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - STAKES (x4)
- $11.00
Z3. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - SMALL PARTS BAG
- $11.00
Z4. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - ADAPTER
- $11.00
SEN. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - SENSOR
- $15.00
HLIT. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - HORSE CHEST LIGHT
- $17.00
BOX. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - CONTROL BOX
- $17.00
PIN. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - COTTOR PIN
- $11.00
PLAS. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - PLASTIC BODY FORM
- $14.00
RBAB. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - REPLACEMENT BASE A AND B
- $70.00
BASEA. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - BASE A - Sold out
- $27.00
BASEB. 8.5' Giant-Sized Animated LED Knight of Dullahan - BASE B - Sold out
- $27.00